
2025 Mar 7

webhorus - inflating Javascript big and round

2025 Feb 9

Bad Smart Watch Auth

2025 Feb 4

The National Electricity Market: This post will probably leave you more confused

2025 Jan 15

Computing project free to good home - SNOCOM

2024 Dec 23


2024 Nov 27


2024 Nov 22

Three purchases I have not regretted

2024 Nov 22

WSJT-X SuperFox TOTP: Part 3

2024 Nov 13

CODAN Selcall Part 2 - Pagecall Magic

2024 Sep 3

Simpson Desert trip

2024 Aug 21

WSJT-X SuperFox Verification is flawed: Part 2

2024 Jul 24

WSJT-X SuperFox Verification is flawed

2024 Jun 16

Longest Run Gippsland 2024

2024 Jun 15

Surviving Terraform

2024 Jun 10

Infrastructure as Code - which tool?

2024 May 8

Just a bunch of scanners (JBOS?)

2024 May 1

CODAN Selcall Part 1

2024 Mar 26

JSON Repaint

2024 Jan 26

My new bike: Polygon Path X5

2023 Dec 12

Restoring new old stock pedals

2023 Nov 7

Me vs. tree branch - Garmin incident detection (I guess Bike Brakes Part 2)

2023 Nov 3

Bike Brakes Part 1

2023 Nov 1

Just rubbish

2023 Oct 26

Python Unit Testing

2023 Oct 16

Melbourne (Half) Marathon 2023

2023 Oct 11

Android apps I've started using. Vol 1.

2023 Oct 9

A more vegetarian fox

2023 Oct 9

I want you to blog more...

2023 Oct 9

Joplin : A note taking / todo app

2023 May 31

Running? Why? What?

2022 Aug 31

CSR Journal FIN

2022 Aug 24

CSR Journal Day 26 (and beyond) Alice Springs to ...

2022 Aug 23

CSR Journal Day 25 Karlu Karlu (Devil's Marbles) to Alice Springs

2022 Aug 22

CSR Journal Day 24 Katherine to Karlu Karlu (Devil's Marbles)

2022 Aug 21

CSR Journal Day 23 Bungle Bungles to Katherine

2022 Aug 20

CSR Journal Day 22 Bungle Bungles

2022 Aug 19

CSR Journal Day 21 Halls Creek to Bungle Bungles

2022 Aug 18

CSR Journal Day 20 Handover camp ground to Halls Creek

2022 Aug 17

CSR Journal Day 19 Lampa (Well 49) to Handover camp ground

2022 Aug 16

CSR Journal Day 18 Gravity Lakes to Lampa (Well 49)

2022 Aug 15

CSR Journal Day 17 Tiru (Well 41) to Gravity Lakes

2022 Aug 14

CSR Journal Day 16 Kilkil (Well 36) to Tiru (Well 41)

2022 Aug 13

CSR Journal Day 15 Kunawarritji (Well 33 - Community, general store and fuel) to Kilkil (Well 36)

2022 Aug 12

CSR Journal Day 14 Mamunara (Well 28) to Kunawarritji (Well 33 - Community, general store and fuel)

2022 Aug 11

CSR Journal Day 13 Georgia Bore to Mamunara (Well 28)

2022 Aug 10

CSR Journal Day 12 Lake Disappointment to Georgia Bore

2022 Aug 9

CSR Journal Day 11 Pinpi (Durba Springs) to Lake Disappointment

2022 Aug 8

CSR Journal Day 10 Pinpi (Durba Springs) rest

2022 Aug 7

CSR Journal Day 9 Manjanka (Well 15) to Pinpi (Durba Springs)

2022 Aug 6

CSR Journal Day 8 Lake Aerodrome to Manjanka (Well 15)

2022 Aug 5

CSR Journal Day 7 Milyinirri (Well 6) to Lake Aerodrome

2022 Aug 4

CSR Journal Day 6 Kuta Pila (Well 4A) to Milyinirri (Well 6)

2022 Aug 3

CSR Journal Day 5 North Pool to Kuta Pila (Well 4A)

2022 Aug 2

CSR Journal Day 4 Bromas Dam to North Pool

2022 Aug 1

CSR Journal Day 3 Eucla to Bromas Dam

2022 Jul 31

CSR Journal Day 2 Port Augusta to Eucla

2022 Jul 30

CSR Experiment 2 : WinLink images

2022 Jul 30

CSR Journal Day 1 Melbourne to Port Augusta

2022 Jul 29

CSR Experiment 1 : HF Digipeater

2022 Jul 29

CSR Stats

2022 Jul 28

CSR Journal Part 0

2022 Feb 9

Supply Chain Attack as Code

2021 Dec 2

Ideal monitor rotation for programmers

2021 Feb 18

Build Pipeline Security

2020 Mar 5

Even better free video streaming and storage on AWS

2019 Dec 19

(Almost) Free Video Hosting provided by AWS