Decided to make today an easy day, and take advice from those who just completed the CSR that Milyinirri (Well 6) would be nice. They weren’t wrong! Lovely gums. A somewhat oasis in the middle of near sandy desert.
Yapurn/well 4B remains
It’s hard to express just how amazing it is to suddenly roll into this little area so green, vibrant and full of gum trees.
Yiwarra Kuju (one road) sign at the first well on the CSR
This felt like the first real night on the CSR. Our plan was to stay at Kalkalong (Well 2A) but pushed on to Kuta Pila (Well 4A) as we had plenty of daylight. Truly a unique experience being so remote. We saw one other vehicle though it wasn’t even on the CSR.
The changing landscapes show just how quickly our land changes, even out here.
Lovely new scenery running up to Wiluna. Lovely gumtrees in the red dirt and lakes! Met up with Rusty at Wiluna and made our way to Well and North Pool. North Pool is a stunning little oasis. We are camping here tonight
Tonight I’m certainly filled with excitement but also concern. I think we have everything in order to make the trip.