Although a short day today, it was still a very fulfilling day. We climbed up to Canning Cairn which provided pleasant views of the surrounding area. In our rush to get up the top we missed the rock markings so made our own way up only to find an easier route on the way back. Rusty put out a call on CB and we heard a response! All the way at around Well 22 (about 90km away).
No entry into Jilukurru (Well 17)
Eventually we made it around to Durba Springs and wow this is an amazing spot. Decided we’d spend tomorrow here, probably do some cloths washing and go for a run.
We walked part way across the salt lake of Lake Aerodrome. It was fairly surreal. After packing up we continued up north visiting the wells.
Well 12 was easy to draw water from - not that we needed any at this point
Passed by yet more burnt out vehicles. A constant reminder of the stakes at play for this trip.
Lizard friend keeping warm on yet another burnt out vehicle
We decided to camp at Well 15. During the day it was lovely though the well was challenging to draw water from. Later in the evening a rotting smell rolled in which made it fairly unpleasant. Presumably something had died nearby but we weren’t able to locate it.
We planned to stay at the documented camp site just after Well 10 however we didn’t find it. We pressed on expecting a camp site at Lake Aerodrome. Coming over that dune was a breath taking experience. We never found a camp site at Lake Aerodrome and with light fading decided to setup in a relatively clear area - minimizing impact as much as possible (unlike those who have been driving across the lake bed :/ )
Our campsite at Lake Aerodrome
At camp we had to repair the sand flag as the flag had come off and the mount was loose. The roof rack was also tightened and refitting caused a slice to my hand. Cleaned with alcohol wipe and bandaid.