Arrived at Well 49 in the dark. We were hoping to stay at Well 48 but it didn’t look good for camping. Driving in the night is always stressful and the overgrown track was not helping but I got through it safely.

Burnt out vehicle at sunset
Yet another car that didn't make it

A few surprises at this Well.

This morning started with more golden spinifex but eventually we reached Breaden Hills. Wow, this area is beautiful. Droppy went to Goodfrey tank while Rusty and I tried to make it to Breaden springs. We got as far as seeing the sign before declaring it too overgrown and unsafe to traverse. In hindsight we should have been reporting via APRS however we both thought the walks would be short (sub 400m) and not warrant the setup time.

We ended up spending a lot of time struggling to locate each other and communicate, which APRS would have solved perfectly. Oh well.

I wish I had more time and spoons to get more drone footage of the areas as it’s truly stunning. I’m not really sure you can really capture it with video though. You just can’t represent the scale of it.

Not many wells to go now…

Well that has suffered fire damage and is missing its covers
Kujuwarri/Kuduarra well not looking so good
